
Editor in Chief

Gavin L Fregeau 

Gavin is a New Englander now planted in Baltimore. He is a line editor and copyeditor for anything and everything. TTRPGs, fiction, nonfiction, cover letters. Gavin has a BA in English and Creative Writing from Goucher College. He seeks to offer a gateway to radical thoughts about gender, identity and capitalism through collaborations with others of the same mind.

Executive Editor

Fina MacDusa 

Fina MacDusa is an Irish trans girl who writes things and directs films sometimes. She's been published in the Westmeath Examiner, Manawaker Studios, and Bunbury Magazine. She also works with the mental health focused theatre group CoMorbid, writes things on twitter on @bimbowonk, and publishes games on She hopes this is being read in a sultry, seductive tone.